Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Long Day's Journey Into "Afternoon"

This is a "I'm BLOGGING about AFTERNOON as I'm playing AFTERNOON type of entry...

Who is Werther? He is thinking about having "dueling scars" surgically etched into himself. This is a wonderful detail... Especially for a man who is "smiling, if diabolically. I know some things about Wert now, but who is he?

Ok, now this is odd. I clicked on what I thought was a hypertext word and landed on a screen that I remember being on before so I backed up and just pressed the key... and landed on the exact same screen as the hypertext word that I clicked. So I went back and click on another hypertext word and danged if I wasn't again deposited on the page I had rejected more than once... What kind of hypertext doesn't take you anywhere???

Now I'm on some segment where someone is talking about a computer program that can estimate the worth of "things" as long as they're in "the domain of industrial facilities insurance..." Hmmm.... And I click the key and get rainy day walks, maple leaves, "red flowers (only red flowers)," and a fountain... Where did the computer program go? Where is Wert? Why can't I figure out what's going on? How are all of these things connected? Can I really have dueling scars added to my features???

Now I've followed someone wearing headphones into a mall. This person is watching a young lady working at a computer terminal, particularly the headphoned individual is staring at her legs which apparently are revealing more than she is aware of. When she catches on to the fact that she is being stared at, she "primly closed her legs." Hmmm... I don't know much about the character I'm following except that they like to stare at young girls' private parts, wear headphones, and talks about "the teenagers."


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